Unique name for dataset.
Organ name.
Context for location of the dataset within the whole organ. Only present for some zoom datasets.
Region of interest name.This is an arbitrary string that is unique within datasets taken from a given organ from a given donor.
"Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography (HiP-CT)"
Isotropic voxel size in micrometers.
Shape of dataset.
Must contain a minimum of 3
Must contain a maximum of 3
Donor data model.
No Additional PropertiesDonor ID
Age in years at death.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Weight in kg at death.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Height in cm at death.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Date when the scan was performed.
ESRF beamline where scan was performed.
Energy used during the scan, measured in keV.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Current of the synchrotron at the start of the scan, measured in mA.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Mode of filling used in the synchrotron storage ring.
Number of projection images acquired during the scan.
Value must be strictly greater than 0
Number of reference images collected during the scan.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Number of dark images (without illumination) collected during the scan.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Time delay between projections, measured in seconds.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Exposure time of each frame, measured in seconds.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Number of frames accumulated per exposure.
Value must be strictly greater than 0
Type of scan.
Angular range of a single scan in degrees.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Total number of scans. For a helical scan this is always 1. For a zseries this is the total number of scans concatenated to make the full data volume.
Value must be strictly greater than 0
Type of tomographic acquisition.
Displacement in millimeters between scans.
Total duration of a single scan in seconds.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
List of filters used during the scan.
Scintillator used for converting X-rays to visible light.
Optical components used during the scan
Distance between the sample and the detector, measured in millimeters.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Name of the sensor used during the scan.
Operating mode of the sensor during the scan.
Magnification in the sensor setup.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Number of pixels in the x-dimension of the sensor's region of interest (ROI).
Value must be strictly greater than 0
Number of pixels in the y-dimension of the sensor's region of interest (ROI).
Value must be strictly greater than 0
Size of a pixel at the source, measured in micrometers.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Magnification of X-rays due to divergence between the source and detector.
Value must be strictly greater than 0.0
Proposal number.
Proposal title.
Proposal proposers.
No Additional ItemsMetadata mapping high resolution volume of interest datasets to a full organ dataset. Not present for full organ datasets.
A set of registration parameters mapping array coordinates from
'sourcedatase' to 'targetdataset'.
The transform is specified as (in order):
Dataset that is registered
Dataset that source_dataset is registered to.
Must contain a minimum of 3
Must contain a maximum of 3
Rotation in degrees about z-axis
Isotropic scaling factor
Dataset citation.
Citation title.
Dataset DOI.